Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Piece of Cake

Sur La Table
Sur La Table Cooking Classes logo.
 It's okay to splurge every once in a while as long as your investing in someone special and you feel that they deserves the very best. I recommend trying out some cooking classes with you special lady. It's fun and romantic when you both mesh together like peanut butter & jelly. She will think you are as cool as a cucumber. I strongly advise men to take the lead on a date like this.... but ladies, feel free to make the suggestion to your guy and tell him it will be a piece of cake to make the arrangements.  I'm sure you can find venues that offer one off cooking classes but just in case you want to wow your date I suggest checking out Sur La Table because they have a  wide variety of classes. If your date is a foodie and likes to cook this will make for a extra special treat. Birthdays and Anniversary's are great occasions for these types of dates. If you want more information on the Sur La Table cooking class calenders in your area click here.

Bring Home the Bacon,
- tdt